Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pimp Slappin' And Such

You may have noticed I debuted a lot of new planes lately.  With everything I've got to choose from, all I want to fly is that  little AJ Slick!

Oh, the rest aren't bad planes at all. In fact, I love every plane I have, but the Slick is just so easy to throw in the back seat and just take flying. I never take the wing off it and rarely do any maintainence at all on it (it never needs anything). It's much like my 40 Edge 540, only it's much more like the Laser 200, which I think it the prettiest plane ever.

In previous articles I've talked about how the 42" Slick flies better with it's more reasonable 130-170 watts-per-pound ratio, and I'm finding that more and more true every time I fly it. At first I thought the power system was completely inadequate, but the more I flew it, the more I became used to this and was able to use the smoother power delivery to my advantage. You can read more about this in my previous Slick blog entry.

Bottom line is I've become almost too confident with the plane. Here are two videos from this week.

The next two are highlights from those videos, only in half speed. I use these for studying technique and looking for ways to improve my game,  but when you stick music in there they also become a bit more entertaining. I hope you enjoy them.

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